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Forward Builder Commitment Indications


Forward Builder Commitment Indications

CME 5-year Swap Futures Contract


We have added due to popular demand the 5yr swap futures contract traded on the CME. The 5yr Treasury Futures and Futures Options were added a long time ago.

ARMS Today


Pricing & Hedging 5/1 and 7/1 ARMS

Hedge Commander Updated for Long-term Float Down Locks


MCM's Cloud based Hedge Commander system is now fully able to price, track and hedge Forward Builder Commitments & Float Down Locks

The Flexible, Split Fee, Float Down Commitment


One of our clients called us a little while back and asked what we could do for a client who needed a little wiggle room to feel comfortable taking down a long-term, Float Down lock.

Residential Mortgage Servicing Policy


The moral hazard issue regarding mortgage servicing and its primary cause stems from the GAAP accounting ruling (FAS ASC 860-50-25-1.)

Execution Spreads


The agencies have gone off a cliff - these graph are ugly!

Bulk Execution Problem


The spread between what “Bulk” investors are paying for various loan rates and programs versus what those loans are hedged with – TBA mortgage backed securities.

Open API Update


MCM is pleased to announce the roll-out of its Open API. This API conforms to the Open API Specification and allows clients to integrate their LOS information with MCM’s Hedge Analytics and Reporting software.

Hot Fallout – Crazy Price Change Matrix


Unicorn Zone – With fallout this low and unchanging, hedging with options would be unnecessary.

Hedge Errors


Why Hedged Mortgage Pipelines should not be hedged with linear hedge ratios.

Contribution Analysis


How to Determine Which Branch Division or Source of business is Most Valuable

Normalcy Bias


Mortgage Bankers managing large pipelines of loans in process always need to stay on an even keel to avoid volatile earnings swings

Spot and Builder Commitment Float Down Locks Presentation


Forward Builder Commitments, Long Term Float Down Locks, Lock and Shop, Rate Protection Plan, One-time Close Float Downs....

Hedging Float Down Locks and Builder Commitments


The use of options as a tool to hedge a mortgage pipeline is nothing new and have been used since they began trading back in 1983. However, the technology and techniques have changed in how to apply them. Options can be an effective tool to reduce risks associated with residential mortgage loan fallout or renegotiations due to market movements. They can also be effective for extended term float down locks and forward builder commitments.

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