Beyond Best Execution – Total Sale Optimization
MCM has developed a new best execution platform that optimizes your sales according to what will bring the most value according to all available executions. For example, high balance pools, low balance pools, AOT, private securitization, co-issue, bulk, direct, multi bulk, etc… all are evaluated by MCM’s Total Sale Optimization system and assigns loans to the optimal execution for the entire pool of loans not just a single loan like most systems. Why is this a breakthrough: optimized execution resulting in higher gain on sales. Not only is the system accurate and comprehensive, but quick and easy for clients to utilize on a daily basis.
Most best execution systems work by looking up the best price for a loan or group of loans according to just the features of the loan or pool, MCM's Total Sale Optimizer does this as well, but looks through the multiple combinations of executions to arrive at the optimal pricing not just a single loan or pool but the entire group. For example, if a firm has 100 loans to sell and some of the loans can be sold into a high balance pool, others into a low balance pool, and still others into various executions as defined above, the system checks to see whether a given loan or pool of loans would be best sold according to all possible sale executions before returning the detailed results. This provides the absolute highest possible execution and is beyond best execution.
© 2017 Mortgage Capital Management, Inc.